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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Fig

The fig tree, 'Ficus carica,' possibly originated in Northern Asia according to archeological fossil records, but some believe is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. The edible part of the fig, called the 'fruit' is not really a fruit at all, it's a synconium. Inside the synconium are a cluster of hundreds of flowers. If pollinated, these flowers produce drupelets, tiny bubbles of fruit material with a seed in the center.

The the fig was one of the earliest fruit cultivated by man. Its high nutrient content is believed to have the ability to keep a man alive solely on this fruit.
Fig (Ficus Carica) Maltese: Tin

Nutritional information:
Figs are rich in Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin B6,  Iron and Magnesium and Pectin. A very fibrous fruit that provides more fiber then any other fruit or vegetable and are very low in fat. It's also an excellent remedy for those suffering from chronic constipation as it is believed to be a laxative.

Some interesting Benefits:

Skin Problems:  Figs are high in water content improving the skin's appearance by 'cleansing' it, and it is beleived to clear acne and blemish problems.

Fatigue: Having up to 80%  of water and high amount of natural sugars, they make an excellent replacement for a ''Gatorade'' , as it is a brilliant source of energy and brain stimulant...thus making you more responsive and alert

Memory Loss: Figs are the ultimate brain fuel! With 60% of natural sugars that stimulate the brain and make you think and recall faster.

Insomnia: Figs contain a Nutriant called tryptophan. This promotes good sleep while encouraging good circulation 

Anemia: Anemia is lack of Iron which alot of women and girls suffer from due to heavy periods. Figs are a very good source of iron which helps to replace such deficiency.

Constipation and Weight loss: As previously mentioned, figs are a good source of fibre which may trigger a laxative effect.

Bone disorder/ Lack of Calcium: This is great news for all Vegans and those who are milk intolerant who need to naturally replace milk and still get their calcium intake. Figs are naturally high in calcium which makes them ideal for growing children to develop good bone structure. Needn't to say that is also a great source of calcium for those who suffer from osteoporosis and brittle bones.

A healthy heart: Figs are also believed to help a lot of cardiac disorders, maintaining good cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, hyper tension and diabetes.

Note : Excessive intake of figs may result in diarrhea. Also, figs contains substantial amount of oxalates and therefore, if you are suffering from any kidney related disease or gall bladder problem, do not eat figs. Figs are very sweet and too much of sweet might cause you tooth decay problem. Lastly, dried figs are usually treated with sulphur dioxide in order to preserve the figs and maintain its color. Just in case, if you are sensitive to sulfites, search for sulfite free ones such as organic figs which is a very good alternative.