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Monday, November 1, 2010


Caper (Capparis orientalis ) Maltese: Kappara

Caper bush is present in almost all the circum-Mediterranean countries and is included in the floristic composition of most of them but whether it is indigenous to this region is uncertain.

In Greek popular Medicine, a herbal tea made of caper root and young shoots is considered to be beneficial against rheumatism.

Caper root bark and leaves may have some anticarcinogenic activity. In fact, the hydrolysis products of indol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolates have anticarcinogenic effects. Although the consumption of capers is low in comparison with the intake of other major dietary sources of glucosinolates (white cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower) it may contribute to the daily dose of natural anticarcinogens that reduces cancer risk. Glucosinolates are also known to possess goitrogenic (anti-thyroid) activity. Also, rutin and quercetin may contribute to cancer prevention . Selenium, present in capers at high concentrations in comparison with other vegetable products, has also been associated with the prevention of some forms of cancer.

~Capers also have anti oxidant properties which improve the body’s immune system and delays the sign of aging.
~The spicy caper pickles traditionally added to recipes as appetite stimulant. Also, they help relieve stomach-ache and flatulence conditions.
~Fresh capers are also low in fat and calories and are a relatively good source of fiber and iron.
~Capers are good for people who suffer from mar disease

Caution should be used by those who have hypertension or heart disease. Capers are very high in sodium with over 250 mg. of sodium in a single tablespoon and should be eaten in moderation. Fortunately, their rather pungent, salty taste reduces the need for additional salt.

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