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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why should YOU make your OWN soap?

As you know, one of the greatest benefits to making your own soap is your ability to create it in any way you see fit. You can make very attractive, art-like soap to add to your bathroom’s décor or you can make purely functional workshop soap without much aesthetic appeal and everything in between.
Some soap makers decide to delve deep into the powers the ingredients they choose in order to create medicinal soaps of their own design!
Medicinal Ingredients
Unlike most commercial soaps, handmade soaps often contain carrier and essential oils as the main ingredients. It is through manipulation of these natural ingredients that soap makers are able to create the beneficial, medicinal properties.
The healing properties are not limited to those possessed by carrier and essential oils. Other ingredients can be added to your soap to increase its therapeutic nature. These ingredients include oatmeal, herbs, herb-infused water (used in place of normal water in your recipes), butters such as cocoa and Shea, as well as clays! 

Specific Ailments Your Soap Can Treat 

Here is an incomplete list of ailments you soap can treat if it contains the proper ingredients.
Your soap’s ability to heal is limited only by your knowledge of the power held in natural ingredients. Far too often, we forsake the ancient natural remedies of old for modern solutions. Ironically, it is the natural remedy that is usually more effective and safer than the chemicals we use today.

I invite you to truly study the power of herbs, botanical oils, and other ingredients so that you can create powerful, natural soaps with incredible curative properties! 
At SoapCafe` we offer soap making courses for beginners to help you discover the wonderful world of self healing! More info on our workshop...CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. Hi Char! I love watching videos of other people making soap, it's a great hobby. When I buy handmade stuff I feel that I invested in a much better product than the commercialised ones. However, I think it's a bit hard to make your own soap, all those ingredients and stuff! However I love using your soap bars. I was devastated with my blemishes and my thick big fuzz ball (my hair) until I discovered you and now I feel naturally amazing. Thank you! P.S : Please keep making soap and all your great products. :D
