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Monday, June 18, 2012

How to ease the pain of a stinging Jelly Fish -The natural way

Jellyfish stings come from the long tentacles that trail the bell-shaped jellyfish. These tentacles have alkali-based venom.

Symptoms of a jellyfish sting can vary depending upon the type of jellyfish.

Treating the sting on the spot can be done naturally...

· Removing the tentacles with a stick or other object to avoid being stung also, the assistant should be careful not to scrape them off causing more stings.

· Without scrubbing, which would release more venom, rinse the stings with seawater or vinegar. In the absence of vinegar, human urine (preferably male urine which is more sterile) can do the same thing. If a woman's urine is used, bacteria from a urinary tract infection could infect the stings.

· Do not use freshwater, sun lotion or alcohol, which can stimulate the pain. The most important task is to keep the affected area immobile and to remove the tentacles to prevent more venom going into the victim.

· If you have taken all these steps but more tentacles remain, you can coat the area with flour, baking powder, shaving cream, or mud and use the dull edge of a knife (or even a plastic bank card) to shave off the rest. The coating should protect against more venom draining into the victim's body.

· Use a few drops of undiluted PURE lavender essential oil*on the sting. This will help neutralize the stinging effect.

* Be cautious when using essential oils undiluted. Lavender and tea tree oil can be used undiluted as FIRST AID ONLY. Other essential oil cannot be used undiluted. Always seek professional advice when doing so.

As a preventive measure for avoiding Jellyfish Stings, it is better to avoid swimming in oceans 8 to 10 days after a full moon as jellyfish reproductive gatherings take place during this time thereby increasing the likelihood of getting Jellyfish Stings.

The most important thing to do after a jellyfish sting is watch for severe allergic reactions, also known as anaphylaxis. If you see red lines coming from the wound and heading for the heart, you should head for the nearest emergency room. Other symptoms that need seeking medical advice include:

• Nausea

• Difficulty in breathing

• Difficulty swallowing

• Fever

• Heart palpitations

Apart from adopting the above mentioned Jellyfish Stings home remedies, a general healthy diet consisting of judicious amounts of nutritious fruits, vegetables and whole grains rich in essential vitamins and minerals is highly beneficial in facilitating the process of healing Jellyfish Stings.


  1. Do not use freshwater, sun lotion or alcohol, which can stimulate the pain. The most important task is to keep the affected area immobile and to remove the tentacles to prevent more venom going into the victim.
