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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Probiotics and health

Creamy and cultured - 

Why yoghurt is still one of the healthiest foods 

you can indulge in...

  • Yoghurt is high in potassium, calcium and B-vitamins.    
  • Some critics feel that the benefits of  yoghurt have a lot to do with hearsay and have not been researched enough to support claims of its benefits.  Still, other researcher maintain that they have found a correlation between a decreased risk of osteoporosis and increased yogurt consumption.  
  • Gut function was noted to improve by many who swear by its probiotic properties and its ability to promote heathy gut flora. 
  • People who are lactose intolerant often find they can consume yoghurt without the usual unpleasant effects such as bloating and gas.  
  • Moreover there are indications that its probiotic content boosts our immunity.  A strong immune system, the argument goes, comes with a healthy gut.  
  • Because of the fermentation process, caused by the lactobacillus bacterium, yoghurt seems easier to digest and absorb thatn most other dairy products.  
  • A further correlation was found between women who consume up to four cups of yoghurt and a decreased incidence of vaginal and bladder infections caused by candida overgrowth.  
  • Yoghurt, like all dairy, is a builder, making it ideal food for athletes thanks to its high protein and vitamin content.

Yoghurt can be prepared in many ways both savoury and sweet.  It can be used in salad dressing, as a dip, as a substitute to milk or cream in sauces and desserts.  Today we propose a simple, yummy and summery way to enjoy your yoghurt - the delightful Mango Lassi.  

Mango lassi with almonds

  • 3 cups yoghurt
  • 1 cup diced mango
  • 1 cup crushed iced
  • Honey to taste (optional, as mango pulp is already sweet).
  • Small pinch of ground cardamon
  • 1 tablespoon slivered  almonds


  • Put all ingredients except almonds in the blender cup.  
  • Ready, steady blend!  Blend till smooth.  Top with slivered almonds and enjoy!

More Lassi recipe ideas:

Read more about the health benefits of yoghurt:

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